★ Annapurna’s Khich’n Venice Boardwalk Feast! ★
“Annapurna’s Khich’n” Ayurvedic Khichari Vegan Feast
On New Years Day 2020 a few friends and I started a monthly, “Annapurna’s Khich’n Venice Boardwalk Feast”. Now, once a week we cook “Ayurvedic Khichari” and feed our hungry Venetian community fresh healing meals aka Nourishing Sattvic Prana on Venice Beach Boardwalk. Sharing love and healing consciousness, one meal at a time.
May all be nourished. May all find peace. Jai Shakti Maa!
Ayurvedic Khichari – Indian spices, veggies, rice and beans.
Ayurveda = Science of Long Life = Ancient Natural System of Medicine = Food as Medicine = Cooking and eating as Prayer and Meditation = Yogic Diet.
Karma Yoga = Path of Action = Aligned Sacred Service = Spiritual Work = Ayurvedic Love Feast Initiative.
Sattva = Balance = Alkalizing = Equanimity = Illumination = Pure Balanced Energy = Whole Living Food = Whole and holy body temple.
Prana = Life force energy within us and all creation!
Annapurna Maa – Goduss Devi of Food and Nourishment. Parvati Maa Avatar.
TriDosha = balances all body types = Ahimsa (non-harming). Vegan = Plant-based humanimal.
Ayurvedic TriDosha Digestive Khichari
In its traditional form, Khichari consists of basmati rice, mung beans, vegetables, ghee and Indian spices.
This “Sattvic” staple food of Ayurvedic medicine is used as a “cleanse” to purify and vitalize the body mind and spirit. It is considered one of the most healing meals in Ayurveda. Plus, it’s divinely Delish!
Khich is designed to stoke the digestive fire, increase inner Agni (fire), and reduce Ama (internal toxicity).
This basic Tri-dosha recipe is good for balancing all three doshas (body types).
Khichari spices are the most effective digestive aids in the spice-a-copia. They work on the GIT from the stomach down to your bottom, stimulating appetite, digestion, assimilation, elimination, reducing gas and inflammation.
Mung bean dahl and Basmati rice make a full protein.
VeganTri-Dosha Digestive Khichari with Turmeric, Thyme & Hing Sweet Potato Mash
Ingredients: Basmati rice, sprouted mung beans, sweet potatoes, avocado, cucumbers, kale, green beans, carrots, cilantro, celery, turmeric, coriander seed, fennel seed, cumin, hing, thyme and coconut oil, Prana (energy consciousness) and love. No added salt, sugar, onions or garlic.
Contact us for recipe! One Love.